The Water Supply Department in HK generally provide good clean water with their purification facilities. Chlorine is also added to water for sanitary purposes. However it is not uncommon that the water pipes emit lead, zinc and copper to the water.
Natural water is not pure. Chemically pure water (H2O) consists of the two elements hydrogen and oxygen. In nature, chemically pure water however does not exist. Rainwater absorbs various substances from the atmosphere, e.g. CO2 and as part of the water cycle, it then flows through the soil layers and becomes enriched with further ingredients. The water hardness varies from region to region.
BWT不僅是家庭淨水的專家,更是咖啡及餐飲行業的專業設備供應者。憑藉其卓越的技術和創新,BWT致力於提供高品質的水處理解決方案,確保每一杯咖啡都能展現出最佳的風味和香氣。 特別值得一提的是,BWT擁有獨特的鎂離子交換技術,這項技術不僅提升了水質,還能增強咖啡的口感,使其更加醇厚。這項專利技術已成為咖啡專業人士的必要設備,幫助他們在每一次沖泡中都能達到理想的效果。